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Author Title Notes Cover 1
TeacherResources:Math Assessments Papers first papers in Maths provides:
22 carfully graded papers, the widest range of question types, coverage of all the key maths skills and practice at sitting tests.
TeacherResources:Math Assistance for the Wrtten Questions Any person administering the tests should have a copy of this bookllet available for refernce during the test.
TeacherResources:Math Desiging and Timetabling the Primary Curiculum The book shows how schools can make the most of the flexibilities available to them.
TeacherResources:Math Mathematics Booklet Any person administering the tests should have a copy of this bookllet available for refernce during the test.
TeacherResources:Math Mathematics Booklet Any person administering the tests should have a copy of this bookllet available for refernce during the test.
TeacherResources:Math Maths Made Easy Math work books for preschoolers and primary school children, this book encourages children to understand that adding means 'more than' and taking away means 'fewer than',as well as the '+' and '-' symbols.
TeacherResources:Math Maths Made Easy Math work books for preschoolers and primary school children
this book help your child with negative numbers, dividing and decimals,as well as bar charts nd pictograms.
TeacherResources:Math Maths Sats Everything your child needs to know, presented in a clear, colourful layout designed to make revision simple and fun.
TeacherResources:Math National Tests This pack contains three copmlete sets of practice papers, giving you the opportunity to identify the weaker areas of your child's performance, revise these topics and practise again, using further tests ensure an improvement has made.
TeacherResources:Math Number and Counting This series has been developed to help prepare young children for the sort of learning experiences they will have at nursery and preschool classes.
TeacherResources:Math Shapes Colours and Patterns This book develops numercy skills. its colourful motivating activities make learning fun. helpful tips and answers are included to help you to support your child's learning.
TeacherResources:Math Size and Measurement This book develops numercy skills. its colourful motivating activities make learning fun. helpful tips and answers are included to help you to support your child's learning.
TeacherResources:Math Targeting Mathes The Targeting maths scheme has been written for the syllabus,it provides complete coverage of the course in a clear,funny,and easy way.
TeacherResources:Math The National Numeracy Strategy This boklet covers guidance to teacers on teaching written calculation.
TeacherResources:Math Using Assessment to Raise Achievement in Mathmatics This booklet describes how assessment can be used to raise pupil's achievement in mathmatics.
TeacherResources:Math You and Me Number You & me is a fully-integrated course which incorporates an extensive reading, & writing programme

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